Post by Alex BranhamPost by Arash Esbati@Alex: Can you please have look at the patch provided by Vladimir
here[1] and advise how to proceed? Thanks.
The documentation is correct, I think. All users need to do now is to do
M-x flymake-mode. This patch disables adding the backend that flymake
needs, so users would need to do (LaTeX-setup-flymake-backend) and then
(flymake-mode), in that order. That seems annoying to me.
I wouldn't pretend that I understand the Emacs Lisp, esp. these two
lines in 'latex-flymake.el':
(when (< 25 emacs-major-version)
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook #'LaTeX-setup-flymake-backend))
but I checked that when I run Emacs _with_ these lines in the file I see
that LaTeX-mode-hook (through Customize) contains
and in modeline when I open my LaTeX document I see
that's why I concluded that documentation is wrong because the hook is
always on.
Post by Alex BranhamProbably a better solution would be to see how this is breaking
Vladimir's config. What exactly breaks?
The first thing I noticed was that when I typed '$' then Emacs didn't
insert second '$'. It took time to figure out what is going on here (I
use may be very tricky configuration, this is my 'custom' file:
) and the only thing I discovered
was that if 'latex-flymake.el' _has_ the above lines then
'LaTeX-mode-hook' has only two hooks (as I described above) but if I
remove that lines then 'LaTeX-mode-hook' has these settings:
(lambda nil (define-key TeX-mode-map "^C^T{" 'TeX-insert-braces))
(lambda nil (define-key LaTeX-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-a k") 'ebib-insert-bibtex-key))
(lambda nil (outline-minor-mode 1))
(lambda nil (TeX-fold-mode 1))
and these, except the first one, correspond to settings in 'custom'
file. In modeline of buffer with LaTeX document I see
LaTeX/FMPS CDL Ref Outl Fill
Post by Alex BranhamPost by Arash EsbatiI suggest we close this thread and reply to Vladimir's message in
Happy to do so if someone would cc me :-)
I'm appologize to send this message to both auctex and auctex-devel ML
but do that just for reference of the problem mentioned on both ML.
WBR, Vladimir Lomov
You will be a winner today. Pick a fight with a four-year-old.